Wedding Planning Articles

Applying for the Malta Government Marriage Grant

Published by - All about getting married in Malta

Did you know that a Maltese resident who marries is eligible to a Marriage Grant of a maximum of €271.04?  This grant is paid per person, that is, the maximum grant payable per couple is €542.08.



1. Maltese Nationals having contributed at least 26 SSCs prior to date of marriage.
2. EU Nationals with permanent Maltese residence.

Application for the Marriage Grant should reach Department of Social Security within six months from date of marriage.


In order to apply for the Marriage Grant, the person must fill in the prescribed application form, which can be obtained either from the Department of Social Security or from your local District Social Security Office or online through the links below. Once completed, the form must be returned to the same office within six months from date of marriage.

Documents Required

Normally, when applying for the Marriage Grant, there is no need to present a marriage certificate, provided that the marriage was registered in Malta. However, when a marriage cannot be verified against official records, the marriage certificate will be required.

Back Office Process

Once a claim is received, it is registered. An assessment of the contributions paid will be made, and the other eligibility criteria are verified. The claimant is then informed whether his/her claim was accepted or rejected. In the case of the former, payment will be effected.

How to apply?

You can apply by obtaining the respective application form from any Social Security District Office or online via the link below.

Please Note:

In October 2014, the Ministry had announced that couples need not apply for the marriage grant and that the Department will automatically contact couples to process their grant.  However, as at time of writing, the Ministry’s official website still states that couples have to apply through the respective form.  Thus we suggest that, before applying, newly weds contact the Ministry (details below) to obtain the latest information.

For more info:

Department of Social Security
Short Term Benefits Section
38, Ordnance Street,
Valletta VLT 2000

Telephone: (+356) 2590 3000
Website and Application Forms