Wedding Planning Articles

Wedding Day Itinerary

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


The chart below is a typical wedding day itinerary. We recommend you print it and fill in the allotted times.  It will help you ensure that all your preparations for your wedding day ceremony have been well planned.

Add as you feel necessary, more tasks in the lines that have been deliberately left empty and also delete those that are not applicable to you.  Keep your timetable clear and simple.

Task: Start at: Till:
Wake up and have a nice relaxed breakfast : :
: :
Have a bath or shower : :
: :
Hairdresser arrives : :
: :
Make-up artist arrives : :
: :
Get dressed : :
: :
Photographer and videographer arrive : :
: :
Leave for ceremony : :
: :
Arrive at church : :
: :
Wedding ceremony begins : :
: :
Formal group photos beside altar : :
: :
Leave for reception : :
: :
Photos before arriving at reception : :
: :
Arrive at reception : :
: :
Group / Other photos : :
: :
Greet guests : :
: :
Main course : :
: :
Photographic session during reception : :
: :
Bridal first dance : :
: :
Cutting of the cake : :
: :
Fireworks display : :
: :
Prepare for going away : :
: :
Going away : :
: :

Wedding Planning Articles

Formations – Ceremony

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


The below article illustrates the exact formation of a typical bridal party, both entering and exiting the church or ceremony venue, in the bridal car, together with recommended seating plans for a sit-down meal.  The diagrams will give you a good idea of how the formations should be.

Entering the Church / Ceremony Venue:



During the Service:



Exiting the Church  / Ceremony Venue:


See all Wedding Planning Articles >>

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

Formations – Bridal Car

Published by - All about getting married in Malta

bridal car

Home to Ceremony Venue:

From the bride’s house to the ceremony venue the bride travels with her father, or with the person walking her down the aisle who sits behind the driver.  The bride sits to his left. The formation in the bridal car should look like this:

Ceremony to Reception Venue:

After the ceremony, the bride sits behind the driver’s seat and to the right of the groom. If you have more than one bridesmaid you can either book a separate car for them or hire a bridal car that has more seats.


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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

Formations – At the Wedding Reception

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


If you are having a sit-down meal reception, you need to prepare a seating plan beforehand.  One traditional seating plan is as follows;



More frequently in Malta we use the following seating plan;


Alternatively, if the tables are round, the seating plan may be as follows;


See all Wedding Planning Articles >>

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

The Wedding Mass in Maltese (Pt.1)

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


This is a step by step guide to a typical wedding mass celebration in the Maltese language. 


Celebrant: Fl-Isem tal-Missier, ta’ l-Iben, u ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu.

Kulhadd: Amen

Celebrant: Il-grazzja ta’ Sidna Gesu Kristu, l-imhabba t’Alla, u l-ghaqda fl-Ispirtu s-Santu tkun maghkom ilkoll.

Kulhadd: U mieghek ukoll.

Celebrant: Glorja ‘l Alla fil-gholi tas-smewwiet…

Kulhadd: U paci fl-art lill-bnedmin ta’ rieda tajba. Infahhruk, inberkuk, nadurawk, naghtuk gieh, inroddulek hajr, ghall-glorja kbira tieghek, Mulej Alla, Sultan tas-sema, Alla Missier li tista’ kollox. Mulej Iben wahdieni, Gesu Kristu, Mulej Alla, Haruf t’Alla, Bin il-Missier, Inti li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja, henn ghalina; Inti li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja, ilqa’ t-talb taghna; Inti li qieghed fuq il-lemin tal-Missier, henn ghalina. Ghaliex Int wahdek qaddis, Int wahdek Mulej, Int wahdek il-gholi, Gesu Kristu, ma’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu; fil-glorja tal- Missier Alla. Amen


Celebrant: O Alla li tista’ kollox, aghmel li niccelebraw b’herqa kbira dawn il-granet ta’ ferh li fihom qeghdin naghtu gieh lill-Mulej li qam mill-imwiet, u aghtina li l-istess ghemil taghna ikun xiehda tal-grajja li qeghdin infakkru.
B’ibnek Gesu Kristu Sidna, li hu Alla u mieghek ighix u jsaltan flimkien ma’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu, ghal dejjem ta’ dejjem.

Kulhadd: Amen








Celebrant: Inqumu bil-wieqfa

Gheziez huti, intom gejtu fit-tempju ta’ Alla biex il-Mulej iwettaq imhabbitkom b’sigill qaddis quddiem il-ministru ta’ Alla u l-gemgha tal-Knisja, Fuq din l-imhabba Kristu jsawwab kotra ta’ barka, u lill-insara, li huwa kkunsagrahom bil-maghmudija mqaddsa, jghnihom u jqawwihom b’sagrament specjali biex izommu ruhhom dejjem fidili lejn xulxin, u biex jilqghu d-dmiritijiet l-ohra taz-zwieg. Ghalhekk quddiem il-Knisja, se nghamlilkom dawn il-mistoqsijiet dwar ir-rieda taghkom.

Toni (isem l-gharus) u Maria (isem l-gharusa) gejtu intom hawn min rajkom, ghax ridtu u bla ma kontu mgeghlin, biex tintrabtu flimkien fiz-zwieg?

Gharajjes flimkien: Iva gejna min rajna, minghajr hadd ma geghelna.

Celebrant: Intom lesti li tibqghu miexja f’din it-triq taz-zwieg, u thobbu u tirrispettaw lil xulxin tul hajjitkom kollha?

Gharajjes flimkien: Iva, lesti li nhobbu u nirrispettaw lil xulxin tul hajjitna kollha.

Celebrant: Intom lesti tilqghu bl-imhabba ‘l-ulied li Alla joghgbu jibghatilkom, u trabbuhom skond il-ligi ta’ Kristu u tal-Knisja tieghu?

Gharajjes flimkien: Iva, lesti nilqghu minghand Alla ‘l-ulied li joghgbu jibghatilna, u nrabbuhom skond il-ligi ta’ Kristu tieghu.


Celebrant: Mela la darba ghandkom il-fehma li tidhlu ghar-rabta taz-zwieg, zommu idkom il-leminija f’ta’ xulxin, u fissru l-kunsens taghkom quddiem Alla u l-Knisja tieghu.

Toni: Jiena Toni, niehu lilek, Maria, b’marti u nwieghdek li nzomm ruhi fidil lejk, fir-rizq tajjeb u l-hazin, fil-mard u fis-sahha, u li nhobbok u nirrispettak tul hajti kollha.

Maria: Jiena Maria, niehu lilek, Toni, b’zewgi u nwieghdek li nzomm ruhi fidila lejk, fir- rizq tajjeb u l-hazin, fil-mard u fis-sahha, u li nhobbok u nirrispettak tul hajti kollha.

Celebrant: Iwettaq il-Mulej fi tjubitu dan il-kunsens li ghadkom kemm fissirtu quddiem il-Knisja, u jimliekom bil-barka tieghu. Dak li ghaqqad Alla, ma ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem.

Celebrant: Imbierku ‘l-Mulej.

Kulhadd: Inroddu hajr lil Alla.


Celebrant: Ibierek il-Mulej dawn ic-crieket li intom sejrin taghtu lil xulxin bhala sinjal ta’ l-imhabba u l-fedelta taghkom.

Gharus: Maria hu dan ic-curkett bhala sinjal ta’ mhabbti u tal-fedelta tieghi lejk. Fl-isem tal-Missier, u ta’ l-Iben u ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu.

Gharusa: Toni hu dan ic-curkett bhalla sinjal ta’ mhabbti u tal-fedelta tieghi lejk. Fl-isem tal-Missier, u ta’ l-Iben u ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu.

Celebrant: Huti gheziez, wara li assistejna ghall-kunsens li taw lil xulxin, Maria u Toni, nitolbu lill-Mulej biex mil-lum ‘il quddiem ikompli jassistihom u jqaddishom bil-grazzja tieghu. Nitolbuh ghalhekk jisma dawn it-talbiet taghna.



Continue to Part Two >

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

The Wedding Mass in Maltese (Pt.2)

Published by - All about getting married in Malta



Celebrant: Jitla’ quddiemek, Mulej, it-talb taghna flimkien ma’ l-offerta li qeghdin naghmlulek, biex, issa li ghogbok tnaddafna minn htijietna, nithejjew b’hajja tajba ghas-sagramenti tal-hniena tieghek. Bi Kristu Sidna.



Celebrant: Il-Mulej maghkom

Kulhadd: U mieghek ukoll.

Celebrant: Nerfghu qlubna ‘l fuq.

Kulhadd: Nerfghuhom lejn il-Mulej.

Celebrant: Nizzu hajr lill-Mulej Alla taghna.

Kulhadd: Hekk sewwa u xieraq.



Ejjew nitolbu kif ghallimna u riedna naghmlu l-Iben ta’ Alla ghas-salvazzjoni taghna.

Kulhadd: Missierna li inti fis-smewwiet, jitqaddes ismek, tigi saltnatek; ikun li trid inti, kif fis-sema, hekkda fl-art. Hobzna ta’ kuljum aghtina llum; ahfrilna dnubietna, bhalma nahfru lil min hu hati ghalina; la ddahhalniex fit-tigrib; izda ehlisna mid-deni.




Celebrant: Mulej Gesu Kristu, li ghidt lill-Appostli tieghek: Inhallikom is-sliem, naghtikom is-sliem tieghi; la tharisx lejn dnubietna, izda hares lejn il-fidi tal-Knisja tieghek; aghtiha s-sliem u l-ghaqda li inti trid fiha. Int li tghix u ssaltan ghal dejjem ta’ dejjem.

Kulhadd: AMEN.

Celebrant: Il-paci tal-Mulej tkun dejjem maghkom.

Kulhadd: U mieghek ukoll.

Celebrant: Aghtu l-paci lil xulxin


Haruf t’Alla, li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja, henn ghalina.
Haruf t’Alla, li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja, henn ghalina.
Haruf t’Alla, li tnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja, aghtina l-paci.

Celebrant: Dan hu l-Haruf ta’ Alla, dan hu li jnehhi d-dnubiet tad-dinja. Henjin dawk li huma mistiedna ghall-ikla tal-Haruf.

Kulhadd: Mulej, ma jisthoqqlix li tidhol taht is-saqaf tieghi, izda ighid kelma wahda, u ruhi tkun imfejqa.




Celebrant: Il-Mulej maghkom.

Kulhadd: U mieghek ukoll.

Celebrant: Nitolbu l-barka ta’ Alla.



Celebrant: Alla l-Missier ta’ dejjem izommkom qalb wahda fl-imhabba bejnietkom, biex is-sliem ta’ Kristu jghammar fikom u f’darkom ghal dejjem.

Kulhadd: Amen

Celebrant: Kunu xhieda ta’ l-imhabba t’Alla fid-dinja, sabiex l-imsejknin u l-foqra, li thennu ghalihom u tieqfu maghhom f’din il-hajja, iroddulkom hajr u jilqghukom fil-hajja ta’ dejjem.

Kulhadd: Amen

Celebrant: U lilkom, ilkoll li tinsabu hawn migbura, iberikkom Alla li jista’ kollox, il-Missier, l-Iben u l-Ispirtu s-Santu.

Kulhadd: Amen

Celebrant: Morru fil-paci ta’ Kristu.

Kulhadd: Inroddu hajr lil Alla.



Read Part One >

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Published by - All about getting married in Malta

wedding day emergency kit

We all know that the strangest things happen at the most inappropriate time and place. can help you prepare a Wedding Day Emergency Kit, designed to solve minor problems and keep things running smoothly and effortlessly on your big day.  

Assign this kit to the maid of honour, or a close relative and place it in the dressing room at the reception venue.

Important Things to include:

  • Antacid tablets
  • Cold and allergy tablets
  • Headache pain relievers
  • Any required prescription medicine in a pill box
  • Smelling salts
  • A bottle of tonic water (to drink and also to remove stains)
  • Sanitary towels
  • Spare contact lenses and/or spectacles
  • Eye drops
  • Hair ties/clips, spray, gel, brush and a comb
  • Make-up, eye-shadow, mascara, lipstick
  • Compact mirror
  • Spare earring backs
  • Extra handkerchief for the groom
  • Extra pair of socks for the groom
  • An extra pair of stockings for the bride
  • A can of dry-clean spray and brush
  • Party dresses and shirt spare buttons
  • Clear nail polish (in case of a run in your stockings)
  • Safety pins and a small sewing kit

Other things you might include:

  • A pair of comfortable shoes for the bride
  • Waterproof plasters
  • Disposable wipes
  • Fingernail glue
  • Toothpaste, toothbrush, fresh-breath mints
  • Super glue
  • Nail File / Emery Board
  • Small stapler
  • Transparent tape (to repair ripped hems)
  • Perfume and after-shave
  • Some white chalk (to cover stains on a white dress)
  • Compact powder case (may be used before taking pictures)
  • Sunglasses (may be used for morning photo shoots)
  • Drinking straw (useful to drink without messing up your lipstick)
  • Telephone numbers of all your wedding vendors

Photo credit: sweettalkdesigns on Etsy

Wedding Planning Articles

The Wedding Shoe Game

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


Have some fun at your wedding!  Organise the Wedding Shoe Game and have a good laugh!  Here is how it works:


At the reception, grab two chairs and place them back to back in the middle of the reception venue.  Sit down, take off your shoes and swap one of them so you are now holding two different shoes.

A person on the microphone announces the game and starts asking questions from a pre-prepared list.  For each question both bride and groom answer by raising the shoe of the person who best fits the answer.

For example, the caller asks “Who is the worst driver?” If the bride thinks that her husband is, she raises the hand in which she is holding his shoe, otherwise she raises her shoe.  Same applies to the groom.The questions

The questions must be prepared beforehand by someone close to you, such as the maid of honour and the best man, without disclosing them.  We suggest having around twenty questions so that the game takes around ten minutes.  The game becomes funnier when questions start to get a little personal.

If preferred, instead of shoes, you could use coloured flags or something similar.

Have fun!

Sample questions to ask;

  • Who talks the most?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • Who is the grumpiest in the morning?
  • Who is most likely to organize a holiday?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who mentioned marriage first?
  • Who is the most romantic?
  • Who is the best driver?
  • Who argues most?
  • Who is the most stubborn?
  • Who is most likely to be late?
  • Who spends more time on Facebook?
  • Who really made the first move?
  • Who spends the most time in front of the mirror?
  • Who is the most attractive?
  • Who has the most clothes?
  • Who spends more on clothes?
  • Who pays the bills?
  • Who is the loudest?
  • Who is most likely to kill a cockroach?
  • Who will be doing the dishes?
  • Who is the fittest?
  • Who will fall asleep first tonight?
  • Who snores the loudest?
  • Who was the first to pass wind in front of the other?
  • Who is most likely to use all the hot water?
  • Who is in charge of the remote control?
  • Who spends the most money?


For the end leave a good question that both fit the answer like;

  • Who do you love most?

Feel free to amend this list and add your own questions but remember to keep the question light, funny and not too serious. Just in case you don’t like the idea of using shoes, you could use a blue and pink flag or anything similar.

See the game at a real wedding;

Photo /video credit Cyndi Erbe / Youtube