Wedding Planning Articles

Wording your Invitations

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


The invitations are usually printed in a standard fashion, allowing appropriate blank spaces for names to be filled in.

The following are samples of the most commonly used invitation wording for Religious Marriages as well as Civil Marriages.  One will also find samples which could be used in the case of a deceased / divorced parent / parents.

For more formal invitations, initials may be used.

Remember to discuss your wording preferences with your invitation printer.

In these examples we are assuming that:

The bride’s mother is Mrs. Mary Borg (nee Falzon)
The bride’s father is Mr. Kevin Borg

The groom’s mother is Mrs. Vicky Scicluna
The groom’s father is Mr. Norman Scicluna

A very popular sample:

daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
request the pleasure of the company of

at their forthcoming marriage.
Nuptial Mass will be celebrated at
Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…


Another popular sample:

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Borg
request the pleasure of the company of

at the marriage of their daughter
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
at Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…


Bride’s Mother passed away:

Mr. Kevin Borg
requests the pleasure of the company of
at the marriage of his daughter


daughter of Mr. Kevin Borg and the late Mrs. Mary Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
request the pleasure of the company of

at their forthcoming marriage.
Nuptial Mass will be celebrated at
Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…


Bride’s Father passed away:

Mrs. Kevin Borg
requests the pleasure of the company of

at the marriage of her daughter



daughter of Mrs. Mary Borg and the late Mr. Kevin Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
request the pleasure of the company of

at their forthcoming marriage.
Nuptial Mass will be celebrated at
Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…


Both Bride’s Parents passed away:

daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
request the pleasure of the company of

at their forthcoming marriage.
Nuptial Mass will be celebrated at
Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…

Bride’s Parents are Divorced:

Mr. Kevin Borg and Ms. Mary Falzon
request the pleasure of the company of
at the marriage of their daughter

Inviting Guests to the Reception only:

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Borg
request the pleasure of the company of

at an evening reception
at The Sample Hotel, Sliema
at seven o’clock
to celebrate the marriage of their daughter
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four.


Civil Marriage:

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Borg
request the pleasure of the company of

at the marriage of their daughter
son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Scicluna
at the Marriage Registry,Valletta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon .
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…

Wedding Planning Articles

Creative Invitation Wording

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


Be creative with your invitation wording. Check out the samples below for some inspiration.

Sample No.1

The eternal summer of our love
will not fade…
Please join us as we,
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. K. Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. N. Scicluna
begin our new life together
on Saturday, the twenty-first of July


Sample No.2

Two lives, two hearts
joined together in friendship
united forever in love.
It is with joy that we,
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. K. Borg
son of Mr. & Mrs. N. Scicluna
invite you to share
in a celebration of love
as we exchange our marriage vows
on Saturday, the twenty-first of July

Sample No.3

The most joyous of occasions
is the union of man and woman
in celebration of life…
Anna Borg
Peter Scicluna
will vow their lives to one another forever
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Neville Scicluna
invite you to join with them in asking
God’s blessing upon this holy union
at four o’clock in the afternoon

Feel free to add your own verses. Below are some samples:

Verse No.1

For hearing my thoughts,
understanding my dreams,
and being my best friend…
For filling my life with music
and loving me without end…
I do.

Verse No.2

As our marriage brings new meaning to love,
so our love brings new meaning to life
This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.

Verse No.3

Love knows no limit to its endurance,
no end to its trust.
Love still stands
when all else has fallen.

Wedding Planning Articles

10 Wedding Invitation Tips

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


1. Invitations should be written by hand. Those who have poor handwriting can hire a professional calligrapher or use a computer script font such as ‘Shelley Allegro’ or ‘Commercial Script’.


2. It is suggested not to write the name of a deceased parent on your wedding invitations. Light a candle during the ceremony in his/her memory instead.


3. If you prefer not to have children at your wedding, do not indicate this by writing “No children” or “Adults Only”. It is implied that no children are invited, simply by not including them on the invitation. You may also emphasize your preference by word of mouth.  Keep in mind that this needs to be an ‘all or nothing’ situation.  An exception could be for the ring bearer and flower girl.


4. Invitations for your wedding day should not only be sent to your guests, but also to those who are familiar with the wedding details. i.e., the bridal party, best man and both sets of parents! These invitations will serve as a memento of your wedding day. An exception could be for the ring bearer and flower girl.


5. If you are inviting your work colleagues, send them a personal invitation at home and not at work.  Invitations should be sent 3-4 weeks in advance.


6. When inviting friends, you do not necessarily have to invite a guest as well. On the other hand, it is obligatory to invite guests for the invitees who are married, engaged, are living together or have a long-term relationship. In such cases, you should indicate their name on the invitation rather than using “and guest”.


7. You do not have to invite a co-worker with whom you do not socialise. Remember your wedding day is a special day and only special people should be around you! The same applies to your employer, although it might be more appropriate to invite your immediate supervisor.


8. When an invited guest does not come to your home or does not call, do not assume that he is not coming. His invitation might have been lost in the mail and he might be thinking that he has not been invited. Clear any doubt by phoning and confirming that the invitation was in fact delivered.


9. Be aware that by including a monetary preference card with your wedding invitations you are assuming that your guests will be offering you a gift which may seem inappropriate. While it is typical for a guest to offer you a gift, do not be seen to be expecting it.


10. If you want to make sure guests are able to come to your wedding, send them a ‘Save the Date’ 3-4 months prior to the wedding.  Invites should still be sent closer to the wedding.

Wedding Planning Articles

Invitations & Numbers

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


Below are some important points showing the correct way to write numbers on your wedding invitations.

Addresses, house numbers and street numbers should always be written out in full, with the exception of Saint ( St. ) which may be used either way.

Date and time must be spelled out in full.

For example, you should write:

  • ‘the fifteenth of May’, rather than ‘May 15th’,
  • ‘at six o’clock’ rather than ‘6:00pm’ and
  • ‘at two in the afternoon’ rather than ‘ 2:00pm’.

The year should also be spelled out, for example:

  • ‘two thousand and eighteen’ rather than ‘2018’

However if the invitation is informal, the date can be as follows:

  • ‘June 15th, 2018’

Therefore, a sample invitation would look something like this:


daughter of Mr. & Mrs. K. Borg


son of Mr. & Mrs. N. Scicluna
request the pleasure of the company of

at their forthcoming marriage.
Nuptial Mass will be celebrated at
Rotunda Dome, Mosta
on Saturday, the fifteenth of May
Two Thousand and Four at noon.
Wedding lunch will be held afterwards at…

Wedding Planning Articles

How to Write your Wedding Invitations (English Version)

Published by - All about getting married in Malta

writing your invitations

Your wedding invitations are formal invitations and must be written with great care. The invitations hold the power of the first impression of your wedding. So give the task its time, start early and do not rush it.

Here are some guidelines to help you with the task;

Always address persons by their correct title.  For example Mr., Miss or Mrs.

Ms. is the correct title to use when a woman’s marriage status does not need to be disclosed. Ms. is ideal when addressing a widow or a divorcee. Nicknames and abbreviations should not be used. Below is a list of courtesy titles most commonly used.

In this example the guest’s name is Kevin Borg and his wife is Mary Borg.  In some cases we use Mary’s maiden surname, Falzon, as an example of a woman who kept her maiden surname.

Inv and Env stand for Invitation and Envelope respectively.

Please Note: This information is for general guidelines only. Please consult your wedding invitations’ supplier / printer in case of difficulty.


Married Couple

Inv: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Borg
Env: Mrs. K. Borg

(Whilst the above format is the correct way of addressing any invitation envelope according to proper etiquette, many persons are not used to it. You might prefer to use the more common format –
Env: Mr and Mrs. K Borg)


Married Couple and their Children

Inv: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Borg and Family
Env: Mrs. K. Borg


Married Couple – Wife kept her maiden surname

Inv: Mr Kevin Borg and Mrs Mary Falzon
Env: Mrs. M. Falzon


Husband is a doctor (MD)

Inv: Doctor Kevin Borg &  Mrs. Borg
Env: Mrs. K. Borg


Wife is a doctor (MD)

Inv: Mr.Kevin Borg and Doctor Mary Borg
Env: Doctor Mary Borg


Wife is a doctor (MD) – kept maiden surname

Inv: Mr.Kevin Borg and Doctor Mary Falzon
Env: Doctor Mary Falzon


Husband is a Lawyer

Inv: Dr. Kevin Borg &  Mrs. Borg
Env: Mrs. K. Borg


Wife is a Lawyer

Inv: Mr.Kevin Borg and Dr.Mary Borg
Env: Dr. Mary Borg


Wife is a Lawyer – kept maiden surname

Inv: Mr.Kevin Borg and Dr.Mary Falzon BA LLD
Env: Dr. Mary Falzon


Married couple, both Doctors

Inv: Drs. Kevin and Mary Borg
Inv: Dr. Kevin Borg and Dr.Mary Borg
Env: Dr. Mary Borg


Married couple, both Doctors (kept maiden surname)

Inv: Drs. Kevin and Mary Borg
Inv: Dr. Kevin Borg and Dr. Mary Falzon
Env: Dr. Mary Falzon


Husband is a Judge

Inv: The Hon. Mr. Justice Kevin Borg & Mrs. Borg
Env: Mrs. K Borg  (Mrs. M. Falzon if she kept her maiden surname)


Husband is a Lieutenant

Inv: Lieutenant Kevin Borg and Mrs. Borg
Inv: Lieutenant and Mrs. Kevin Borg

Env: Mrs. K. Borg (Mrs. Mary Falzon if she kept her maiden surname)


Wife is a Lieutenant

Inv: Mr. Kevin Borg and Lieutenant Mary Borg
Env: Lieutenant Mary Borg (Lieutenant Mary Falzon if she kept her maiden surname)


Husband is a Major

Inv: Major Kevin Borg and Mrs. Borg
Inv: Major and Mrs. Kevin Borg
Env: Mrs. Kevin Borg (Mrs. Mary Falzon if she kept her maiden surname)


Wife is a Major

Inv: Mr. Kevin Borg and Mayor Mary Borg
Env: Mayor Mary Borg (Mayor Mary Falzon if she kept her maiden surname)


Unmarried couple living together

Inv: Miss Mary Falzon, Mr. Kevin Borg
Env: Miss Mary Falzon


Divorced female (kept maiden surname)

Inv: Ms. Mary Borg
Env: Ms. Mary Borg


Divorced female (reclaimed maiden surname)

Inv: Ms. Mary Falzon
Env: Ms. Mary Falzon


Woman is a widow

Inv: Mrs. Mary Borg
Env: Mrs. Mary Borg


Unmarried female (and boyfriend/guest)

Inv: Miss Mary Falzon
Inv: Miss Mary Falzon and boyfriend
Inv: Miss Mary Falzon and guest

Env: Miss Mary Falzon


Sisters living together

Inv: Ms. Mary Falzon and Ms. Anna Falzon
Env: Misses Mary and Anna Falzon (use ‘Messrs’ instead of ‘Misses’ for males)


Sisters living together, one is a widow

Inv: Mrs Mary Borg and Ms Anna Falzon
Env: Misses Mary and Anna Falzon


Friends living together

Inv: Miss Mary Borg and Miss Anna Falzon
Env: Misses Mary and Anna Falzon (use ‘Messrs’ instead of ‘Misses’ for males)


Clergy male

Inv: Fr. Kevin Borg
Env: The Rev. Kevin Borg


Teenage girl under 18 years

Inv: Mary Falzon or Miss Mary Falzon
Env: Miss Mary Falzon


Teenage boy under 18 years

Inv: Kevin Borg or Master Kevin Borg
Env: Master Kevin Borg


‘Children’ over 18 years:

Inv: Mr. Kevin Borg (or Miss Mary Falzon)
Env: Mr. Kevin Borg (or Miss Mary Falzon)
(a separate invitation should be sent to children over 18 years old even if they still live with their parents)

Wedding Planning Articles

How to Write your Wedding Invitations (Maltese Version)

Published by - All about getting married in Malta


Dawn huma ftit ezempji ta’ kif ghandhom jigu ndirizzati l-inviti bil-Malti.

Din l-informazzjoni ghandha isservi biss bhala gwida. Dejjem ikkonferma mal-istampatur tal-inviti tieghek.


Koppja Mizzewga

Inv: Is-Sur u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg
Env: Lis-Sinjura K. Borg

(Filwaqt li l-metodu t’hawn fuq huwa l-mod formali skond il-protokoll ta’ kif tindirizza l-envelop, hafna nies m’humiex familjari ma’ dan il-metodu u jistghu jahsbu li gie miktub bi zball. Ghalhekk hawn min jippreferi juza l-metodu l-iktar komuni –
Env: Is-Sur u S-Sinjura K Borg)


Koppja Mizzewga bit-tfal

Inv: Is-Sur u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg u l-familja
Env: Is-Sinjura K. Borg


Koppja Mizzewga bit-tfal gharajjes

Inv: Is-Sur u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg u l-familja u l-gharajjes
Env: Is-Sinjura K. Borg


Koppja Mizzewga (Il-mara zammet kunjomha)

Inv: Is-Sinjura Mary Falzon u s-Sur Kevin Borg
Env: Is-Sinjura Mary Falzon


Koppja Mizzewga u r-ragel tabib

Inv: It-Tabib u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg MD
Env:Is-Sinjura Kevin Borg


Koppja Mizzewga u l-mara tabib

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u t-Tabiba Mary Borg
Env: It-Tabiba Mary Borg


Koppja Mizzewga u l-mara tabib (Il-mara zammet kunjomha)

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u t-Tabiba Mary Falzon
Env: It-Tabiba Mary Falzon


Koppja Mizzewga u r-Ragel Avukat

Inv: L-Avukat Kevin Borg u s-Sinjura Borg
Env: Iis-Sinjura K. Borg


Koppja Mizzewga u l-Mara Avukat

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u l-Avukat Mary Borg
Env: L-Avukat Mary Borg


Koppja Mizzewga u l-Mara Avukat (Il-mara zammet kunjomha)

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u l-Avukat Mary Falzon
Env: L-Avukat Mary Falzon


Koppja Mizzewga fejn it-tnejn huma lawrjati

Inv: It-Tabib Kevin Borg u l-Avukat Mary Borg
Env: L-Avukat Mary Borg (L-Avukat Mary Falzon jekk zammet kunjomha)


Koppja Mizzewga, ir-Ragel Fizzjal

Inv: Il-Fizzjal K. Borg u s-Sinjura Borg
Inv: Il-Fizzjal u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg
Env: Is-Sinjura K. Borg


Koppja Mizzewga, il-Mara Fizzjal

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u l-Fizzjal Mary Borg
Env: Il-Fizzjal Mary Borg (Il-Fizzjal Mary Falzon jekk zammet kunjomha)


Koppja Mizzewga, ir-Ragel Maggur

Inv: Il-Maggur K. Borg u s-Sinjura Borg
Inv: Il-Maggur u s-Sinjura Kevin Borg
Env: Is-Sinjura K. Borg


Koppja Mizzewga, il-Mara Maggur

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u l-Maggur Mary Borg
Env: Il-Maggur Mary Borg (Il-Maggur Mary Falzon jekk zammet kunjomha)


Koppja mhux Mizzewga li jghixu flimkien

Inv: Is-Sur Kevin Borg u s-Sinjorina Mary Falzon
Env: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon


Armla wahedha

Inv: Is-Sinjura Mary Borg
Env: Is-Sinjura Mary Borg


Xebba waheda

Inv: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon
Env: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon


Xebba u l-mistieden taghha

Inv: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon u l-mistieden taghha
Env: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon


Xebba gharusa

Inv: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon u l-gharus
Env: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon


Ahwa nisa jghixu flimkien

Inv: Is-Sinjorina Mary Falzon u s-Sinjorina Anna Falzon
Env: Is-Sinjorini Mary u Anna Falzon


Ahwa nisa jghixu flimkien, wahda armla

Inv: Is-Sinjura Mary Borg u s-Sinjorina Anna Falzon
Env: Lis-Sinjuri Mary u Anna Falzon


Hbieb nisa jghixu flimkien

Inv: Is-Sinjorina Mary Borg u s-Sinjorina Anna Falzon
Env: Lis-Sinjorini Mary u Anna Falzon



Inv: Il-Kanonku Kevin Borg
Env: Ir-Rev. Kanonku Kevin Borg



Inv: Fr. Kevin Borg
Env: Ir-Rev. Kevin Borg


Continue to the English Version >>