Wedding Planning Articles

Getting Engaged

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couple getting engaged

For most people, getting engaged with the prospect of getting married is a time of great excitement.  Yet this life event still remains a commitment, and with commitment comes a change which is not always easy to adapt to.

Getting engaged also involves taking a private decision as a couple, whilst on the other hand it involves declaring publicly that such a decision has been taken.  It also means that the newly engaged couple is no longer just good friends, yet they are not yet a married couple.

Once the engagement is announced, the couple is twirled from the life they were living into a wider circle with demands and interests which might sometimes seem like an unwanted intrusion.

Everyone is different and thus, the way people choose to get engaged will vary. The romantics will proclaim the news from the top of a roof to make sure that everyone gets to share a piece of their happiness … others prefer to remain reserved and keep the news to themselves as much as possible. The latter couple usually prefers to get accustomed to their new life first, before communicating it to others.

No matter how long the couple might have known each other, the announcement of an engagement always brings some element of shock; hopefully a pleasant one. Remember that it is not only you who needs to come to terms with the fact of being engaged, but also your family and friends. Expect different, and unpredictable reactions to your decision.

Do not try to interpret your family members’ reaction to the news; their attempt to get to terms with the situation does not mean disappointment or disapproval.

(article provided by Weddings & Homes)

Wedding Planning Articles

Breaking the News

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Nowadays an engagement is a much less formal event than it used to be.  It is still a very important commitment, yet unlike marriage, law does not sanction it.  This however does not mean that there are no formalities and courtesies that should be observed.


Close family members and friends have to be informed. The parents should be the first to know; they are entitled this courtesy even though it is no longer necessary to ask their consent. Some parents might be old-fashioned and would appreciate some kind, even if mild, gesture pointing towards asking for approval.

Traditionally, the bride’s parents are the first to be told, followed by the groom’s parents. Close relatives and friends come next. In the past it was a common practice to publish announcements in local newspapers but nowadays many resort to social media to spread the news.  Make sure that before doing so the closest persons to you get to know beforehand. They will not appreciate getting to know the news through Facebook!

Article provided by Weddings & Homes

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

Long or Short Engagement?

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engaged couple

Nowadays the length of an engagement is determined by how long the couple needs in order to make the necessary preparations before the wedding. It also depends a lot on the persons involved. For those living with parents, a few months may seem an eternity, whilst couples already living together tend to take it easy.


The most obvious reason that delays a wedding is finance. Most couples prefer to go into their new home immediately after the wedding. This means that the house has to be ready furnished and equipped with all the minor details way before the wedding date.

Other couples might prefer to finish their studies before getting married, some might have other family weddings and so prefer to distance them a bit. Others prefer getting married on a certain date, so would prefer to wait and have the wedding they want rather than being ‘forced’ to marry earlier.

All this might create unnecessary tension, but on the other hand the engagement stage is a period in life when you can enjoy being together without the responsibilities of marriage.

So use your engagement for its real purpose: to get to know each other really well before going on to another stage in life.

Article provided by Weddings & Homes

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.

Wedding Planning Articles

The Engagement Party

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engagement party

Many argue that women get engaged mainly to get the engagement ring. How can you blame them? After all it’s a symbol of unity with another person and is probably the most precious possession, until the wedding ring and of course the bridal gown are bought.


Once the ring is bought and the husband-to-be proposes to his future wife, the next step is the engagement party.

Even here people have different ideas and different priorities. Nowadays many prefer not to hold an engagement party, although they might organise a small gathering with close family members and friends. Not holding a party is usually linked to the financial aspect, as many would prefer spending more on the wedding or to furnish the house. Others go the traditional way and hold an engagement party, which may actually seem a mini-wedding reception.

An engagement is a temporary stage marking the end of one stage in life and the beginning of a new one. It sets the stage for when the two become one.

Article provided by Weddings & Homes

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of this information, cannot be held responsible for an ommisions or incorrectness in the information provided. When in doubt please consult a professional in the field.